Tuesday, January 13, 2009

locking doors.

Joey just locked Jolane out of the coffee shop. Customer locking owner out of the coffee shop.

And I just paid my Parking Violation, also known as Fail to Lock Ignition, Remove Key ticket online. Best thirty-four dollars I have spent in a while, I don't know about you.

Think about it. Where would you like to spend your money? Well, you say, I spend it on many things. And I say, Well, perhaps you should think about it a bit more, maybe take your keys out of your car and not get a ticket. That's one less thing to spend your money on.

In other news, it is the coldest of the cold in Minneapolis today. While running errands for the coffee shop - on the worst possible day, mind you - I caught the twenty-five pound bag of sugar on a corner and sugar spilled all over the snow. Which is sugar and which is snow? I asked myself. For a moment, I stared down at the snow bank and contemplated lifting piles of snow/sugar back into the bag. I didn't, in case you were wondering.