My Iphone died a sad [and disgusting] death a few months ago. After giving up any further resuscitation and not wanting to drop another dime into that beast, I settled for my old nearly indestructible phone. Claiming that I was ecstatic about Not being So connected at all times, I tried to convince myself that I was better off without my [right arm] smart phone. Today ends the battle. I am throwing in the towel.
On the list for this evening: buy iphone [yess, i can barely contain my excitement, and I didn't need that $200 anyways], destroy Crane in cribbage, then go to stand up comedy.
I would say about 0.2% of all stand up is Good Stand up. Most of it is painful, awful, uncomfortable, and probably not unlike water boarding or other interrogation and/or torture tactics. I mean really, what is worse than bad stand-up. Maybe I'm missing the point - that perhaps bad or should I say Amateur stand up - is a whole other entertainment art in and of itself. Regardless, I think it sucks.
But tonight, I am left with no choice but to watch my friend [who is incredibly funny and amazing] perform at a Working Man's Stand up night. It's a contest and, well, I should probably support him. And plus, if it sucks, I can be That person that heckles constantly and relentlessly...
14 years ago