Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday, living

I always forget when it's Friday. And then come eleven a.m. I start scrambling for things to do

So I came up with list of options for tonight (and tomorrow, and Sunday). These are things I want. Some are actual possibilities:

Skeeball at Chuck E Cheese, resulting in fingers trapped [in] Chinese finger traps, and parachuting army men.
Get shitty and drink tequila, pretending it's tropical outside. Chances are it'll feel warmer once I drink said tequila.
Watch Parks & Recreation and laugh. Alot.
Eat pizza and drink beer. Mmmmmmmm.
Play cribbage with The-o and co and CRUSH THEM, showing no mercy, all the while eating shitty food and [probably] drinking shitty beer.
Build an igloo. It's been on my brain all winter. No explanation necessary - who wouldn't want an igloo?
Go to a sports bar. Yep, I totally wasn't kidding when I said it before: Sports bars.
Make homemade salted nut rolls. Yes, like the Pearson's ones, but with marshmallow & caramel made from scratch. I know, it sounds amazing.
Go on a mini trip and not tell anyone. Just up and leave. Maybe Duluth (I found a couple's package for super cheap including a bottle of champagne. Maybe I'll lie and say my significant other is sick. Or dead. And use it for me) Or maybe just drive like I used to, no destination in mind and see where life takes me.
Attend the Walker Screening/Performance of Gravity Was Everywhere Back Then.
Work out.
Be entirely spontaneous and experience pure joy.

The makings of a potentially fun-filled-stuffed-to-the-gills weekend.

Don't limit yourself. Make lists and consider what you really want to do. What would make you happier beyond all else? Do it. Hopefully someone else will experience as much, if not more, joy as you while partaking. Let life happen.