Parking. I have acquired the nickname of "Eagle Eye" because of my keen ability to spot the most phenomenal parking spots. It's sort of like a spidey-sense. My parallel parking skills are also top notch.
Multi-tasking. It's not so much a skill, but a way of life. And my multi-tasking-attention-deficit-juggling-doing-a-million-things-at-once competency is baffling. And since it is a way of life (as I learned from the If-Than/Proofs in ninth grade math), it subsequently means I win at life.
**Pineapple upside-down cake. See below.
On the topic of productivity and multi-tasking...
Immediately after work last night, I headed to the gym, ran 2 miles, and then went to the grocery store. I then made dinner for me and Mikey and simultaneously baked two pineapple upside-down cakes. Although I wanted to partake in spin class at the gym, cakes took precedence. Raincheck on spin, cake for the win. Add my first attempt at pineapple upside-down cake to the amended list. Win.